Doughnuts for Everyone

Sometimes I get the craving for doughnuts… actually, I am always up for some delicious doughnuts! I have a doughnut baking pan, mixes, recipes from scratch, etc. for making my own, but I also enjoy the occasional trip to a great doughnut shop. There are many different doughnut shops where I live, and I think it would be so fun to try all of them!

There is a local doughnut shop near a store I go to fairly regularly. One day, I decided to stop and pick up doughnuts for my family after completing my regular errands. When I walked in for the first time, I was amazed at all my flavor options. I don’t know why, but the fun and unique flavors of doughnuts always draw my attention over the more “traditional” flavors.

I was so overwhelmed with my choices! Everything looked delicious. How could I ever decide?

Then, it came to me. Seriously… it was such a fantastic idea, that I could not believe I hadn’t thought about it before. I could purchase a half-dozen (or a dozen!) doughnuts that were all different flavors, and then my husband, daughter, and I could share each one. That way, we could try more flavors and not eat so many doughnuts each. We could try more for less.

I happily purchased my doughnuts and then took them home to enjoy once T came home from work. When he arrived, he was very enthusiastic about my idea and was ready to try all the doughnuts too.

T, D, and I had such an exciting time slicing each doughnut into pieces and trying each one. It took a couple of days, but we all got to try every flavor I had picked out. It was super fun to see what flavors each one of us liked the best! It was especially cute to see our toddler’s face light up (or not!) each time she tried something new.

We had such a great time with this family dessert activity, that we have done it several more times. There are new flavors to try at our usual shop, but we have also gone to new shops. If everyone goes to purchase them together, we take turns picking out the flavors too. When my mother-in-law and sister-in-law came to town for a visit a few weeks ago, we did this with them and they loved it too.

This activity is a great way to get doughnuts for everyone without breaking the bank and without having to buy so many doughnuts at one time because you don’t need more than one of each flavor. Have fun as a family sharing doughnuts!