As my kids are getting older and becoming more involved in school and after-school activities, my schedule is becoming tighter and tighter. We are always busy! So, I am relying on my trusty Crock-Pot to help me get a tasty dinner on the table more than ever. I thought I …
The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies
My husband loves chocolate chip cookies! If he can choose any dessert, he almost always chooses cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are his ultimate favorite, so this recipe is for him. These chocolate chip cookies started from a different recipe I have been adapting and perfecting in little ways for several …
Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups
My kids absolutely love pasta dishes. They almost always eat every bite of their dinner if pasta is involved. I always feel like this is such a miracle! One of my kids’ favorite pasta meals is lasagna, and I must admit that I really love lasagna too… all those yummy …
Chicken Stew
I love rainy or snowy days! It could be because we almost always have sunny weather where I live, but cloudy and cold days are honestly my favorite. Add that rain or snow, and it’s the perfect weather for me. Even though it is now Spring, the weather where I …
Whole Wheat Banana Zucchini Bread
I absolutely love banana bread! I am not sure if it’s because it was one of my favorite baked treats as a kid, or if it’s just because it is honestly so delicious. I have experimented with banana bread quite a bit over the years. I have been amazed at …
Mini Oreo Cheesecakes
It is hard to believe that the year is just about over – I cannot believe 2023 is upon us! Each year, my family loves to have a little New Year’s party… at about 6 p.m.! My kiddos are a bit too young to stay up until midnight, but we …
Sautéed Zucchini
Zucchini is one of my favorite side dishes. It is a good thing I grew up in an area where zucchini is so accessible and grows in home gardens so easily! We had it all the time when I was younger. Now, I am trying to convince my husband that …
Tomatillo Salsa Chicken Tacos
I have become addicted to any and all chicken tacos lately. There is not really any rhyme or reason for this new obsession, but I am pretty sure we have had some form of chicken tacos at least every other week this summer! Luckily, everyone in my family also likes …
Super Brownies
Years ago, when I was a new teacher, the teacher across the hall from me would always bring in baked goods to share with all of the staff at school. At first, she would just bring a plate full of treats to leave in the teachers’ lounge. Then, she began …
Planting and Gardening Tips
Hello, warmer weather! I cannot tell you how much I have looked forward to Spring this year. I am not sure why, but I was ready for Spring so much earlier this year than usual. The fact that the flowers are blooming and the world is green again makes me …