Baby Clothes Organization

After my baby shower for our first child, I realized that I was going to need some form of organization for all the clothes I had received and would presumably still need for our little girl. Children change so much in their first few years and I was going to need to make sure clothes were easy to grab when the size changes happened. Not mention, we had not idea if we would have any more girls after her, so we needed a good storage plan for possible future hand-me-down uses.

I got my idea for storing clothes in bins from watching my sister-in-law’s method. She keeps her children’s clothes in large bins with similar sizes so she can switch out bins as needed. I loved this idea! So, I set out to do something like that.

I purchased bins for each size of clothing, keeping in mind that the bin size depends on the clothing size. I cleaned each bin because I wanted to make sure the clothes I put in the bins stayed clean too. I created labels for each bin, and then I laminated the labels (yes, as a past teacher, I totally have my own personal laminator) to make sure they lasted a while. After washing all of the clothes, I folded them and placed them in the containers.

When a new size of clothing has been needed, I simply switch out the clothes in the new bin with the clothes in the closet. For example, when D moved up to 9 months, I took all of the 6 months clothes (cleaned) and placed them in the “6 Months” bin. I took all of the 9 months clothes out and put them away in the closet. The “9 Months” bin stayed empty until it was time to switch sizes again. Since the clothes had been cleaned before storing them, D could start wearing them right away.

I cannot tell you how easy this method has been! It is super simple to switch clothing sizes, and I can purchase clothes on sale in upcoming sizes because I have an easy place to store and organize them.

It was so helpful with D that I have already started the process with the clothes I am getting for Baby Number 2, who is arriving soon. I also use a similar method for storing my maternity clothing.

Clothing bins for Baby Number 2

Below, I have included a downloadable sheet with the labels I recently made for our new baby clothes bins. Feel free to use them if they work for you too!


  1. Sheridan Jeppesen says:

    I love this idea!! I finally was able to do this with my daughters clothes. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Jamie says:

      Yay! I know it has definitely made a difference for me!

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