Mini Oreo Cheesecakes

It is hard to believe that the year is just about over – I cannot believe 2023 is upon us!  Each year, my family loves to have a little New Year’s party… at about 6 p.m.!  My kiddos are a bit too young to stay up until midnight, but we …

Sautéed Zucchini

Zucchini is one of my favorite side dishes. It is a good thing I grew up in an area where zucchini is so accessible and grows in home gardens so easily! We had it all the time when I was younger. Now, I am trying to convince my husband that …

Tomatillo Salsa Chicken Tacos

I have become addicted to any and all chicken tacos lately. There is not really any rhyme or reason for this new obsession, but I am pretty sure we have had some form of chicken tacos at least every other week this summer! Luckily, everyone in my family also likes …

Super Brownies

Years ago, when I was a new teacher, the teacher across the hall from me would always bring in baked goods to share with all of the staff at school. At first, she would just bring a plate full of treats to leave in the teachers’ lounge. Then, she began …

Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Casserole

Enchiladas are one of my favorite foods… definitely one of my top comfort foods. Just saying “enchiladas” brings a smile to my face! I don’t know if it’s because we had them quite often growing up, or if it’s because I honestly haven’t met an enchilada I didn’t like, but …

Easy Crockpot Beans

Sometimes it is just too easy to open a can of pinto beans and use them in a recipe… I definitely know first hand! I use canned beans for recipes all the time! But, have you ever tried slow-cooked beans that are made fresh? There is literally no comparison! So, …

Easy Spanish Rice

There are so many Mexican and New Mexican restaurants in the southwestern area where I live. And, Spanish rice is literally a must-have side dish with every plate at every one of those restaurants I have ever been to. The rice at some of my favorite restaurants has such a …

Oreo Krispies

I finally found an actual Rice Krispie treat my husband likes! I absolutely love homemade Rice Krispie treats, so finding one he likes too (he isn’t usually a huge fan) is a super big deal! Here’s how it happened: We recently went to a Fall Harvest Festival nearby, and we …

Chili Cheese Tatertot Casserole

One of the first recipes I ever created completely from scratch is also one of my most requested ones. It’s my tatertot casserole with a southwestern flare – Chili Cheese Tatertot Casserole. I came up with it years ago when I fell in love with the idea of tatertot casserole …