Croissant French Toast Bake

I have never liked breakfast. I remember my dad and I always ate granola bars for breakfast when I was growing up. My mom and brothers preferred more traditional breakfasts, so we definitely had breakfast food in the house. I could never force myself to eat anything else in the …

DIY Time Out Chair

I am a huge fan of helping children learn self-reflection. When I was a middle school math teacher, I would always take the time to speak with students individually about their behaviors, and part of the consequence for breaking classroom norms (I didn’t call them rules) was usually to write …

Loaded Brownies

Hello again! My goodness, has this been one of the busiest times in my life! My family just had an opportunity to move closer to my husband’s work (yay for a commute that is half as long!) and we took it. We purchased a new house, moved, and sold our …

Easy Scalloped Potatoes

I am not 100 percent sure why, but I associate scalloped potatoes with springtime. Maybe it’s because they tended to be part of my family’s Easter meal growing up? Whatever the reason, they are one of the side dishes I crave most this time of year. I remember enjoying scalloped …

Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

One of my absolute favorite foods is green chile chicken enchiladas. There are probably millions of versions out there, and I can honestly say that I have never had a version I didn’t like. There is something about the spicy green chile mixed with the corn tortillas, chicken, and cheese… …